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Superintendent Letter - 11/24/2020 - COVID-19 Update

November 24th, 2020 



Dear  Trojan Family, 

Thank you for your patience and support during our remote learning phase of instruction. Recently, the state has put out a new matrix regarding recommendations and expectations for schools operating in substantial counties. 

Unfortunately, this is the 7th consecutive week that Bradford County has been in the substantial phase. As a result, we will be remaining in remote learning December 1st - 4th. 

However, the plan moving forward is to return to in-school instruction December 7th - 10th with remote learning from home on December 11th. We will be in-school December 14th 17th with remote learning from home on December 18th. We will be in-school December 21st & 22nd. All extra-curricular activities will  resume on December 7th • As long as the NTCC remains open we will continue to provide transportation to our NTCC students during our remote learning days. 

Starting on December 7th and moving forward we will continue to keep you informed regarding school  closures that may need to occur due to positive COVID cases within our district. Please stay tuned regarding building level closures, as they might occur the night before depending on when we receive the information. 

We are asking that each of you continue to screen your students daily before sending them into school and keep them home if they are sick. If your student becomes COVID positive, please contact your building level administrator immediately. If you have any COVID-19 related questions or concerns, please call our building nurses and they can assist you. 

As a community, the key to our success is to continue working together as we strive to keep our Trojan Family healthy. Thank you for working with us as we navigate through this difficult pandemic together. As a reminder, ,s parents, you always have the option to keep your students in remote learning even when the school is open for in school instruction. If you choose this option, please call your building level administrator. 

Thanks again for your patience and support during this time. I truly hope each of you have a great Thanksgiving. 



Dr. Eric T. Stair 

[email protected]

Posted Tuesday, November 24, 2020